INVITATION: Dying for a Party? 
A new series of parties – The Hat’s Off – are coming to give the Dublin nightlife scene a good and proper shaking up! Offering free cocktails (it’s recession chic), great new music, secret performance acts and prizes for the best socialites, if you’re up for something totally different, and a bit magic, the crowd at The Hat’s Off will not let you down.
The first of a series of cocktail nights will be held at The Morrison Hotel on the 24th October, featuring well-known Dublin band Halfset and old-school DJ Will Softly.
Just recently re-emerged with their long-awaited new album Another Way of Being There, Halfset are all set to give the sort of performance that has earned them their reputation as one of the genuinely coolest and most interesting bands kicking around the Dublin music scene. Et sequens, a unique and original package of the best old-school party music with DJ Will Soflty, will set you in the dancing mood and make you pleasantly surprised.
Besides the wonderful music acts you’ll get to play a game of talk-and-find to help you meet everyone and make sure that when the dancing starts, the atmosphere of the party will be very…familiar! Some secret prizes are to be given away for the winners too…
Buy your tickets in advance and come early – the party is promised to be a total sell out because of the amazing entertainment acts and free cocktails for the first hour!
The tickets cost €20, are sold in: City Discs, Temple Bar and Road Records, Fade St.
More on:
More on the entertainers:
For more information, contact: PR representative Ruta P. on +353 85 1349564 or
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